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Montessori Schools: Engaged Learning

Montessori Schools: Engaged Learning

May 12, 2021 Angie Johnson

Montessori schools

Why Choose Montessori Schools?

Mountain West Montessori Academy utilizes a learning philosophy commonly referred to as the Montessori Method. This method is the basis of student learning in Montessori Schools. Developed by Italian physician Dr. Maria Montessori, this approach to learning is student-centered. It promotes self-growth with cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development, preparing children for success.

The Role of Engagement

Montessori schools adopt the philosophy that engaged students learn more effectively. When students are engaged and invested in the learning process and the material, they are more likely to retain the information and develop a love for learning. Engagement motivates students to seek out learning opportunities, focusing on their passions. Learning should be experiential and investigative, designed to appeal to different abilities and enthusiasms. To engage students, we celebrate their differences and encourage their curiosities.

Researchers have found that engagement and movement are interrelated. To promote this, we encourage hands-on activities that engage students’ minds and bodies to enhance the learning process.

Putting the Theory into Practice

Against this background, five core components are incorporated into Montessori schools.

These components are instrumental in engaging students and ensuring their success:

Trained Montessori teachers: With their knowledge of the method and the student's stage of development, these teachers can guide students to materials that are most likely to engage them.

The Multiage Classroom: When students are of different ages and developmental levels, students can engage in collaboration and leadership, promoting social skills and development.

Use of Montessori materials: Special Montessori materials are designed with all learning styles in mind, maximizing each student's opportunity for engagement.

Student-directed work: This incorporates the student being able to move around, investigate, and engage with subject matters of interest.

Uninterrupted work periods: These enable students to concentrate fully and self-pace.

Mountain West Montessori Academy Stands Out From Other Montessori Schools

Understanding the relationship between engagement and learning unlocks the mystery surrounding non-traditional materials, classes, and methods that are hallmarks of the Montessori method. The approach becomes logical and understandable, with Mountain West Montessori Academy perfect for exploring this proven educational option.