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SLT - 2023.10.18 Committee Meeting Minutes (pdf)

School LAND Trust Program

In the state of Utah, monies from school trust lands are distributed to every public school through the School LAND Trust Program. Mountain West Montessori Academy has a School LAND Trust Committee whose responsibilities include creating and approving the School LAND Trust Plan each year which identify an academic need and a proposed solution using the annual funds. The committee is an advisory body that may be comprised of parents, teachers, and administrators. All School LAND Trust Committee actions and plans are overseen and approved by the Governing Board of Directors. School LAND Trust Committee members are willing volunteers who care about the success of students and overall school improvement and Mountain West Montessori Academy is grateful for their time and dedication.

The School LAND Trust Committee meetings are open to the public. Agendas are posted below (7) days in advance. Draft minutes from the previous meeting are posted with agendas. The council has adopted a LAND Trust Council Rules of Order & Procedure (pdf). The School LAND Trust Committee meets at least twice a year in September/October and February/March. Please visit the School LAND Trust Website to view current and past plans of Mountain West Montessori Academy and additional information.

Funding Distribution $68,845.91
2024-2025 SLT Plan
2024.10.17 SLT Committee Meeting Agenda (pdf)
2024.10.17 SLT Committee Meeting Minutes (pdf)
2025.02.18 SLT Committee Meeting Agenda (pdf)

Funding Distribution $66,989.10
2023-2024 SLT Final Report
2023.10.18 SLT Committee Meeting Agenda (pdf)
2023.10.18 SLT Committee Meeting Minutes (pdf)

Funding Distribution $62,250.71
2022-2023 SLT Final Report
2023.02.09 SLT Committee Meeting Agenda (pdf)
2023.02.09 SLT Committee Meeting Minutes (pdf)

Let your voice be heard by volunteering on MWMA’s Land Trust Committee! If more parents are interested than the number of open positions an election will be held and parents within the school community will vote to determine who will represent them on the School LAND Trust Committee. For more information, please contact Angie Johnson.

MWMA Land Trust Committee Information

School LAND Trust Committee Members


Angie Johnson
Gene Ushinsky
Ashley Logan
Lexi Zucker
Marianne Noble
School Counselor
Tabitha Hemperly
Vice Chair
M.C. Rivetti
Cayden Knight
Rebecca Akester
Kindergarten Teacher


The Teacher and Student Success Act is designed to improve the school’s performance under the state’s accountability system.

MWMA Student Success Framework (pdf)
2020-2021 TSSA Plan (pdf)
2021-2022 TSSA Plan (pdf)
2022-2023 TSSA Plan (pdf)
2023-2024 TSSA Plan (pdf)
2024-2025 TSSA Plan (pdf)

Based on the budget allocated, the funds will be spent as follows:

20% of the TSSA fund will be used for professional learning activities.
40% of the TSSA fund will be used for salaries and bonuses.
40% of the TSSA funds will be used for raises and stipends.

Funding will be used to support these goals:

  1. With end of year summative assessment, students at MWMA in grades K - 6 will increase language arts scores by 2 percentage points as compared to the previous years’ proficiency scores.
  2. With end of year summative assessment, students at MWMA in grades 4 - 9 will increase math scores by 1 percentage point as compared to the previous years’ proficiency scores.