Policy Manuals
Forms & Fees
Mwma Parent Compact (pdf)
Mwma Parent Compact - Spanish Version (pdf)
Medication Administration Form (pdf)
Asthma Self Administration Form (pdf)
Epi Pen Administration Form (pdf)
Epi Pen Self Administration Form (pdf)
MWMA Information
FERPA Notice of Directory Information (pdf)
Data Governance Plan (pdf)
Notice of Nondiscrimination (pdf)
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)/Utah FERPA (pdf)
Student Data Collection Notice (pdf)
Data Privacy Compliance Report FY21 (pdf)
K - 12 Title IX Training Materials (pdf)
Mountain West Montessori Academy will be using the ESSER III funds being awarded through the state in the following ways:
20% of the funds will be used to address student learning and accelerate student achievement to regain ground lost in learning. This will be accomplished through the implementation of a phonics booster program for early readers and to provide additional intervention support through certified teachers and support staff in order to help students in small group instruction to make up lost ground in their learning.
80% of the funds will be used in alignment with the allowable use cases for continuity of services; we will use to the funds to continue to employ existing LEA staff who are working hard to provide additional service to students including interventions, tutoring, parent education, academic clubs, etc.
If you would like to provide any feedback on the plan for MWMA, please feel free to contact our principal, Angie Johnson, at ajohnson@mwmacademy.org
Student Data Privacy Information
Mountain West Montessori Academy participates in the Utah Student Data Privacy Alliance (USPA). The USPA is a collaboration of the Utah State Board of Education and Local Education Agencies that share common concerns around student privacy. The goal of the USPA is to set standards of both practice and expectations around student privacy such that all parties involved have a common understanding of expectations. Please CLICK HERE to access our student data privacy information.
Student Records Notice
Each student’s records may be considered “no longer needed to provide educational services” and may be destroyed three years after the student completes or transfers from Mountain West Montessori Academy or three years after the student turns 22 under the IDEA. Medicaid requires that records be maintained for at least five years after the provision of services.