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Why is Health Important in Education?

Why is Health Important in Education?

Apr 28, 2022 Angie Johnson

According to recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, childhood obesity in the United States is 13.4% in children aged 2 to 5 years old. We all know that obese children become obese teenagers and, most likely, obese adults.
Poor health education has much to do with the way children eat from an early age. Without proper intervention through school health education, the cycle continues throughout their lives.

Healthy Eating

Mountain West Montessori Academy strives to implement healthy eating strategies from the offset. Children in a Montessori school are encouraged to eat healthy and nutritious lunches. We incorporate activities centered on healthy food, such as identifying and tasting different fruit and vegetables. We can teach how to make fruit smoothies as an interactive activity that is fun for the children and a way to help introduce them to new food.

Exercise and Movement

Young children don't exercise; they play. When the weather permits, the children in a Montessori school are encouraged to play outside. Most children this age are naturally energetic, so it gives them the space to play and burn some energy.
On rainy days at Mountain West Montessori Academy, we can do some movement play indoors to encourage them to move and stretch their bodies.

Healthy Minds

Children can get overwhelmed by the school setting. A lot is going on socially, and there is a lot of noise. In a Montessori school, we like to do some quiet time, where children can lie down quietly or listen to music and rest their minds. It teaches them that it's normal to take a mental break, which is vital for overall mental health.
At Mountain West Montessori Academy, we know the importance of health being taught from this early age, so we implement these strategies organically through the syllabus to hope the habits will be formed at this critical stage of childhood.