Why is Time Management Important for Children
Time management is a critical thinking ability that enables children to prioritize projects and appropriately estimate the time required to finish them. It teaches children to accomplish tasks on time and manage and adhere to a schedule. Time management frequently requires children to monitor their own efforts and behaviors, to have an appropriate sense of urgency when completing assignments, and to be able to follow step-by-step procedures efficiently.
Effective time management skills at home enable children to perform household activities or chores on time and get ready and out the door in the morning on time. As noted by teachers at Mountain West Montessori Academy, children with poor time management abilities may be known for frequently missing the bus, procrastinating on schoolwork, rushing through schoolwork, and staying up late to finish assignments.
Setting of Goals
It's nearly impossible to utilize time effectively if you have no idea what to do with it. As per Montessori education, children gain from having both short- and long-term objectives. For instance, a short-term objective would be to complete their homework early each day to allow adequate time for music practice. Their long-term objective may be to become a member of the Mountain West Montessori Academy music band.
Prioritizing Tasks
By determining what has to be accomplished within a particular time frame, children undergoing Montessori education learn how to prioritize tasks. Establishing daily, weekly, monthly, and annual priorities might assist children in achieving their goals. Additionally, it assists in ensuring that critical but non-urgent tasks – such as personal devotions, appropriate sleep, and exercise – are prioritized. Some choose to prioritize simple things early in the day and use the boost to propel themselves onward.
Developing a Strategy
Once priorities have been established, it is critical to develop a strategy for achieving them. While Montessori education teaches organizational skills for children who need assistance, some children are naturally organized. Keeping an up-to-date calendar and a tidy study environment assists.