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montessori education

The Art of Observation: A Montessori Teacher's Most Important Skill

Aug 12, 2021 Angie Johnson

Maria Montessori is the creator of the Montessori education method.

She spent many years studying children in their environment to figure out the best way for children to learn. The key to figuring out and practicing the Montessori method was observation. This continues to be the best way to use this method in practice for schools that are using the Montessori method.

According to the American Montessori Society, Montessori education is focused on self-guided learning and studying for each student. This form of education and learning encourages students to become confident in themselves and establish a sense of individuality and independence. This also provides students with a better way to openly communicate and practice their needs, promoting a desire to learn.

The Montessori education method is designed to meet students where they are and allow them to take their time to learn each concept at their own pace.

According to the Association Montessori Internationale, this provides students with "a unique and engaging learning environment."
Students are provided with this same Montessori education method at Mountain West Montessori Academy. One important part of this academy is creating a close-knit community amongst its students and teachers. Building a social framework is also something that is highly encouraged using the Montessori method.

The Montessori method is believed to be one of the most beneficial methods of education.

More and more institutions are opening up to the idea of letting students learn and study at their own pace, which is also encouraging communication and a thirst for knowledge. The Montessori method took many years of studying, observing, and learning. Observation is how teachers know where and when to meet each student's needs, but it is made easier by the benefits of the Montessori method due to the social constructs.

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