Yearbooks –Order NOW!
The MWMA Yearbook Committee has been hard at working creating another amazing memory of MWMA. You can buy yearbooks online now, order yours today!
Hardcover $21.00
Softcover $16.00
USE CODE 12747018
Shakespeare Club Performance: Much Ado About Nothing
The Shakespeare Club this year has done an amazing job of studying plays and hosting an Elizabethan Feast, and now they are creating their own interpretation of Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. You can see their performance on Friday or Saturday, April 20th and 21st. There are evening performances on Friday and Saturday as well as a Saturday matinee, and tickets are $5.00 per person or $20.00 per family. You can buy tickets in the front office. All proceeds will go to helping with the costs of the performance and allowing the Shakespeare Club to travel to the Utah Shakespearean Festival this summer.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher appreciation week is May 7-11th. Our teachers work hard to provide your student(s) with a first-rate education. Show them how much you appreciate them by thanking them during this week. We will also have a Boutique Book Fair in the front lobby this week with lots of books that our teachers have been wanting in their classrooms!
Sage Assessments –Coming in May
We are coming up on end-of-year assessments. Reading, Math and Science will begin the second week in May for students in grades 3-9 (3rd graders do not take the science test). Although we firmly believe that an assessment is just one indicator of a student’s knowledge, we do view test-taking as a valuable and practical life skill that will support future success for our students in many ways, from getting accepted into college to passing exams to qualify for many careers. We encourage parents to help support the development of this skill by ensuring their student gets a good night’s sleep, arrives on time, and has eaten breakfast on testing dates.
Safety -Reminders
We would like to remind families that our carpool lanes are cell phone-free and idle-free zones.
We would also ask that you exercise caution and please drive slowly during pick-up and drop-off.
It helps carpool to move more quickly if parents pull all the way down to fill empty space in the carpool lane. Please do not stop in the front of the school to pick-up or drop off, leaving a large space in front of you open.
We would like to remind families to please use the crosswalk to cross from the front of school to the parking stalls (help us set a good example for our students!)
Parents choosing to park in the parking stalls to pick-up or drop-off need to walk with their students to and from the cross walk in front of the school. Students may not walk unescorted through the parking lot.
We know that it takes a little extra time but we want to thank you in advance for your efforts to keep our students safe. Here is a link to our carpool tutorial if you would like additional information. https://mwmacademy.org/16-2/
We do practice fire and evacuation drills year-round at MWMA, and because we encourage students to exit the building quickly without stopping for personal items, we do not take time to change from slippers to shoes. For this reason we ask that you provide your child with hard-soled slippers appropriate for cold or wet weather.
Dress Code -Reminders
We would like to take a moment and remind families of the MWMA dress code. A few things which have caused questions lately are…
Leggings: Students may wear leggings of any color or design to school, but need to have a skirt (in dress code colors) over them. Approved colors for bottoms are black, grey, brown, khaki, or navy blue.
Undershirts: Shirts worn under polos need to be white or grey.
Sweaters or sweater vests, as well as cardigans and fleece vests, may be worn in plain solid red or navy blue. (Middle School has lobbied our Board of Directors and had white, gray, or black sweaters added to approved dress code items.) NO HOODIES in class!
If you have additional dress code questions, you are welcome to review the dress code on our website or contact us.